Wikipedia:Warung Kopi (Teknis)/Arsip/2024/3
Mengepaskan infobox saat dijadikan module
suntingBuat para pengurus dan kontributor yang pandai dalam kode templat, bisakah Anda mengepaskan infobox saat dijadikan module? Saya coba di Wikipedia bahasa Inggris, infobox yang dijadikan module terlihat pas dengan infobox di atas. Di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, terutama di bak pasir saya, infobox yang dijadikan module tersebut malah kecil, menurut saya kurang rapi dan kurang enak dipandang. Bisakah Anda mengepaskannya seperti di Wikipedia bahasa Inggris? Serigala Sumatera 🐺🏍️ (diskusi nang kene☕) 6 Maret 2024 14.03 (UTC)
- Sebenarnya untuk WBI sendiri, masih kurang dalam hal teknis pembenaran dalam suatu infobox, dan untuk mengakses kode dari modul infobox tersbeut. Memerlukan akses tingkat tinggi untuk dapat memperbaiki kendala yang dihadapi. tapi yah sementara walau kecil gak apa apa juga dipakai. Pinkash Ngobrol yuk 6 Maret 2024 14.59 (UTC)
Indeks templat
suntingSalam teman-teman WBI,
Saya ingin meminta saran terkait rencana saya untuk menerjemahkan halaman en:Wikipedia:Template index ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan judul Wikipedia:Indeks templat. Sebagian dari terjemahan tersebut sudah saya buat, dan saya bermaksud untuk membuat semua halaman dalam ruang nama Wikipedia yang berkaitan dengan templat sebisa mungkin mirip dengan halaman yang ada di Wikipedia bahasa Inggris (en wiki).
Namun, saya menemui kebingungan terkait halaman Wikipedia:Templat, yang secara kasar mirip dengan en:Wikipedia:Template index, namun memiliki perbedaan yang cukup signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan halaman en:Wikipedia:Templates. Padahal, Wikipedia:Templat dihubungkan dengan Wikidata dengan en:Wikipedia:Templates, bukan dengan en:Wikipedia:Template index. Hal ini terutama terlihat pada bagian Wikipedia:Templat#Kategori, yang mirip dengan bagian en:Wikipedia:Template index#Article-related namespace.
Jika saya mengikuti standar Wikipedia bahasa Inggris halaman en:Wikipedia:Template index/General, halaman Wikipedia:Templat/Umum saya pindahkkan ke Wikipedia:Indeks templat/Umum. Namun, karena halaman tersebut sudah dihubungkan dengan Wikidata, saya merasa perlu untuk berdiskusi terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan pemindahan tersebut. Saya tidak ingin melakukan pemindahan halaman di ruang nama Wikipedia tanpa mempertimbangkan etika dan diskusi terlebih dahulu. Saya juga memahami bahwa tidak semua yang ada di WBI harus sesuai dengan yang ada di Wikipedia bahasa Inggris.
Saat ini saya masih pada tahap awal dalam proses ini, dan saya menghargai setiap saran dan masukan dari rekan-rekan sekalian. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.🍁 Kuramochi 🍁☏ 12 Maret 2024 13.43 (UTC)
Perubahan tampilan sejumlah Templat:Infobox
suntingDear, Pengurus. Saya ingin menginformasikan bahwa sejumlah infobox berubah tampilan. Sebut saja infobox president, infobox situs web, infobox, infobox dotcom company berubah tampilan (tidak sama dengan wikipedia bahasa lain). Apakah hal ini memang sudah sesuai kebijakan? Mana tampilannya jauh lebih bagus yang dahulu. Mohon responnya. Salam, Jason.
2001:448A:3046:861D:F11E:7CCF:2FAD:ADBF 20 Maret 2024 14.13 (UTC)
- sebenarnya kalaupun suatu pengurus yang mengubah tampilan sebuahh infobox, itu memang mereka ingiin mempebaruinya. Jika anda tidak puas dengan yang baru, mohon tinggalkan kritik di pembicaraan ini. Pinkash Ngobrol yuk 21 Maret 2024 13.55 (UTC)
Delete my account!
suntingI am trying to get you people to delete my account on this wiki since you will not allow me to edit my own talk page, and I cannot leave a message to an admin to do so. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 25 Maret 2024 14.14 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm What's up? 🌴Zulf talk 26 Maret 2024 20.57 (UTC)
- You've blocked just for 72 hours. So? - Ariyanto 27 Maret 2024 02.05 (UTC)
- That block is expired. The notification needs to be removed. But apparently I cannot edit my own talk page - so I cannot. Also - the other posts by other users to my own talk page also need to be removed. Further - I never created an account on this wiki, did not edit anything on this wiki - and thus my account needs to be removed. This is ridiculous. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.32 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm I have seen your global account information that you have created an account on the UK Wikipedia on July 8, 2021 11.36 and you just joined the Indonesian Wikipedia on February 14, 2024 02.52. For more details please see here. Note: akun pengguna tidak bisa dihapus oleh pengurus manapun Badak Jawa (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.45 (UTC)
- Nonsense. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.46 (UTC)
- You've blocked just for 72 hours. So? - Ariyanto 27 Maret 2024 02.05 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm: Based on your contributions, you are repeatedly in conflict with the admin regarding the welcome template, how funny (see [1]). Your reasoning is also very ambiguous, namely by saying that editing other people's legitimate comments is vandalism. In reality, it was you who removed the warnings given by other users, and that includes vandalism. But instead you deny this and say things that are contrary to the policy (see [2]). How can you be so inconsistent like this? ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 27 Maret 2024 11.45 (UTC)
- @Fazoffic dia juga mengirimkan pesan di halaman pembicaraan saya setelah saya membalikkan pesan permintaan disini padahal disini bukan tempatnya kan? Lagipula akun pengguna tidak bisa dihapus Badak Jawa (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 13.43 (UTC)
- I don't need the welcome template. I already read it and as such it can be removed. Yes - a 3rd party making edits to a 2nd party's comments (legit or not) is indeed vandalism. Yes - removing comments from my talk page is legitimate action. It is not vandalism as it is my own talk page. If this were another user's talk page - or the talk page for an article - then it would be vandalism.
- The fact that you (and apparently others) think that this kind of conduct is ok - when in reality it is completely backwards from any sense of normal logic is absolutely mind-boggling.
- Let's look at it like this: I have a house, it has a yard. It is my house and my yard. Not yours. Not anybody else's. According to what you said above - you can come on to my yard and post a sign. Then you can leave my yard and the sign is still there. I come home later and I see this sign in my yard that I did not put there. Well - I think that sign is ugly and unnecessary, does not compliment my yard or my house. Quite honestly - it constitutes vandalism. Even though the sign is in my yard and I did not put it there - and I want to remove it... apparently I cannot - and if I do - that is what is considered vandalism? BUT - I can then go to your house and put an ugly sign in your yard - and now you cannot remove it - from your own yard!
- Seriously - explain to me how you think this is ok, right, makes sense, or is even remotely logical? If you truly feel that this is normal and you don't see anything wrong with it, and that this is what is culturally accepted - well, sadly it goes a long way to explain the extremely high emigration rates to places that don't have such backwards procedures and rules.
- @Fazoffic dia juga mengirimkan pesan di halaman pembicaraan saya setelah saya membalikkan pesan permintaan disini padahal disini bukan tempatnya kan? Lagipula akun pengguna tidak bisa dihapus Badak Jawa (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 13.43 (UTC)
- Either way - delete my account! Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.39 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm You've got it all wrong.You probably joined Wikipedia Indonesia by accident and you deserve a good welcome, right? Think of it as just visiting or passing by someone else's house and getting a welcome. That's normal! Don't think badly about it Badak Jawa (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.56 (UTC)
- In the end, you still can't differentiate between comments, messages, and warnings. You even ask for unreasonable things like deleting your account. ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 27 Maret 2024 21.25 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm Think of yourself as a guest visiting Wikipedia Indonesia and a kind user welcomes you with a welcome template Badak Jawa (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.59 (UTC)
- I understand that... but you don't leave the welcome sign in the front yard for all of eternity. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 16.05 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm: That welcome template is provided by the bot. The bot only detects the log of someone touching the idwiki. No problem. Many users, especially from enwiki (and possibly a number of other wikis) have complained about the same thing. This is normal, if you interact with something that involves idwiki (for example wikidata entries) then I think it's normal. Well, just think of it as if you were traveling and passing through a city, then suddenly the robot guarding the city gate says "Hi!" To you. ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 27 Maret 2024 21.21 (UTC)
- And then you move past it. That's the point of this. Either way - the ability to edit one's own talk page is under no realm of sanity considered "vandalism", and it was never the intent of the wiki designers for welcome messages to become carved in stone on everyone's pages. This is getting beyond silly at this point - and if it can't be rectified then like I said in the first place - delete the account. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 21.36 (UTC)
- Your account can't be delete by rule on all Wikimedia projects. If you don't want your user account at idwiki, you can leave it and don't make any contributions for the future. Ariandi Lie Diskusi disini saja 27 Maret 2024 22.22 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm: And your request is even more ridiculous. An account cannot be deleted, because its editing history will remain, no matter how the administrator hides it. And what you called "silly" is our culture, showing idwiki's friendliness towards newcomers. Can I assume that you have attempted to insult our culture of hospitality? If you don't want that, just leave. No need to make edits and drama as if you are the one being wronged here, while you are insulting our culture. If you feel that it's unnecessary and a waste of time, don't bother starting all this drama and making further edits. Just leave this idwiki and don't have to make any more contributions, what's so hard about doing that? ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 28 Maret 2024 08.34 (UTC)
- Now you are putting words in my mouth. Do not do that. I never stated that being a welcoming culture is silly. I said that a user not being allowed to edit their own talk page is silly - and I gave a perfectly valid extrapolation with the example of posting signs in other people's yards and disallowing the yard's owner to remove them. That being said - the fact that this forbidding is being done under the guise of "being welcoming" is quite disingenuous at best, and tacking on that a user editing their own talk page is "vandalism" is in fact silly and ridiculous. If my house is white and I decide to paint it brown who is anyone else to claim that it is vandalism? Or if someone comes along sprays graffiti on it - which is actual vandalism - do I have to let it stay there- because it is considered "welcoming"? I can't paint over it? THAT is what would be genuinely insulting. Is this the view you want the world to have of your culture?
- That specifically is how "i was wronged" - if you want to state it that way. I didn't start any drama. The drama started when someone administratively undid an edit I made to my own talk page - and then issued me a warning for it while claiming it was vandalism. That is the precise moment the drama started. It was unnecessary, it was VERY un-welcoming, and now it has become very dramatic because some of you do not seem to understand the concept of personal space, the original intent of user talk pages in wiki by its founders, nor the difference between maintenance & upkeep vs. vandalism. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.07 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm: Again, You fail to understand the difference between a message and a warning. ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 28 Maret 2024 21.14 (UTC)
- Tadi Anda menyalahkan templat selamat datang, dan sekarang pengguna? Inkonsistensi macam apa ini? ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 28 Maret 2024 21.20 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm: Again, You fail to understand the difference between a message and a warning. ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 28 Maret 2024 21.14 (UTC)
- Additionally - the account can still be deleted, and many have from wikispace. Entire sets of edits by an individual user can be administratively be rolled back all across the wiki - and the associated histories struck through. If that is what is preventing the deletia - then by all means I will go and roll them all back myself (though I am sure that too would be considered vandalism - lol). Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.10 (UTC)
- you're funny bro 🫢 🌴Zulf talk 28 Maret 2024 15.40 (UTC)
- Glad to be a source of amusement for you.Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.41 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm Edits can be reversed but they remain in the edit history. It must be said several times that accounts cannot be deleted from any wiki project. Stop doing that because it will waste your time. Badak Jawa (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.45 (UTC)
- You're note paying attention. Re-read what I posted above. When you understand - then we can continue the discussion. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.47 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm I've seen in your global account information that your user talk page on the Arabic Wikipedia is also given a welcome template but why don't you make a big deal about it? You are so funny Badak Jawa (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.48 (UTC)
- Had no idea I had a welcome there because I have never been there. Again - you fail to understand that the big deal is not about the welcome template, but about the fact that editing my own talk page is considered vandalism. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.59 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm Okay, you can ask the English Wikipedia administrator if users can be deleted? What is the purpose of the welcome template? Try asking them since you are one of the users of the English Wikipedia. Badak Jawa (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.51 (UTC)
- I have nothing to discuss with them regarding this. If you have questions for them please address them yourself. Thanks. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 16.01 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm I've seen in your global account information that your user talk page on the Arabic Wikipedia is also given a welcome template but why don't you make a big deal about it? You are so funny Badak Jawa (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.48 (UTC)
- You're note paying attention. Re-read what I posted above. When you understand - then we can continue the discussion. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 15.47 (UTC)
- You joined the Arabic Wikipedia on February 14, 2024 02.52 but why don't you take issue with the welcome template provided by the Wikipedia user? [You can see it here] Badak Jawa (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 16.05 (UTC)
- Again - you fail to understand that the big deal is not about the welcome template, but about the fact that editing my own talk page is considered vandalism. There must be a language barrier here - because I keep repeating the same thing - but you keep replying as though you are not understanding what I am saying. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 28 Maret 2024 16.08 (UTC)
- you're funny bro 🫢 🌴Zulf talk 28 Maret 2024 15.40 (UTC)
- And then you move past it. That's the point of this. Either way - the ability to edit one's own talk page is under no realm of sanity considered "vandalism", and it was never the intent of the wiki designers for welcome messages to become carved in stone on everyone's pages. This is getting beyond silly at this point - and if it can't be rectified then like I said in the first place - delete the account. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 21.36 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm: That welcome template is provided by the bot. The bot only detects the log of someone touching the idwiki. No problem. Many users, especially from enwiki (and possibly a number of other wikis) have complained about the same thing. This is normal, if you interact with something that involves idwiki (for example wikidata entries) then I think it's normal. Well, just think of it as if you were traveling and passing through a city, then suddenly the robot guarding the city gate says "Hi!" To you. ▪ ꧋ꦩꦣꦪ. Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 27 Maret 2024 21.21 (UTC)
- I understand that... but you don't leave the welcome sign in the front yard for all of eternity. Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 16.05 (UTC)
- @Picard's Facepalm Think of yourself as a guest visiting Wikipedia Indonesia and a kind user welcomes you with a welcome template Badak Jawa (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.59 (UTC)
- Either way - delete my account! Picard's Facepalm (bicara) 27 Maret 2024 14.39 (UTC)