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daftar ini {{CW|##}} {{CW|50}}Kesalahan CW #50
laporan CheckWiki {{Checkwiki|##}} {{Checkwiki|50}}Kesalahan CW #50
# Prioritas Kosmetika Kesalahan WPC AWB AF Tipe Alasan
01 Rendah Ya Templat mengandung kata tidak berguna "Templat:" YaY YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis Article contains a template that includes the redundant prefix "template:" (eg. {{Template:reflist}}). Removing it is usually useful when copying page in another Wikipedia.
02 Tinggi Kadang Tag <br>, <center>, atau <small>dengan sintaksis salah. Kasus <span /> and <div />. YaY YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis A <br> or <br /> tag (note the slash) are the only standard formats. See the HTML standard for <br> or <small>.
Mediawiki's Tidy tool will be replaced which may cause many now valid tags, such as </br> and <center />, to no longer work.
03 Tinggi Tidak Daftar referensi tidak ada YaY YaY Masalah tampilan The article contains one or more <ref> tags, but is missing a {{Reflist}} or <references /> tag
04 Medium Tidak Elemen gaya teks HTML <a> YaY Masalah tampilan The article contains one or more <a> tags. <a> tags will not show up in the rendered article and should use normal wikilink code for external links.
05 Tinggi Tidak Tag komentar tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan Missing closing comment tag. <!-- -->
06 Rendah Tidak DEFAULTSORT dengan karakter spesial YaY YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis Don't use special lettering in DEFAULTSORT
07 Medium Tidak Subjudul semua dimulai dengan tiga "=" YaY YaY Aksesibilitas First headline starts with "=== XY ===". It should be "== XY ==" header. This causes organisational and accessibility problems.
08 Tinggi Tidak Subjudul tanpa akhiran "=" YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Headline should end with "=".
09 Rendah Ya Kategori lebih dari satu dalam sebaris YaY YaY YaY Melawan konvensi Two or more categories in one line.
10 Tinggi Tidak Kurung siku tanpa akhiran yang benar YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Found a "[[" brackets with no corresponding "]]" brackets.
11 Mati Ya Entitas HTML YaY YaY Keterbacaan sumber HTML code found where a Unicode character could be used. For example, &auml; used instead of ä. It is difficult to comprehend for beginners.
12 Rendah ? Elemen daftar HTML Keterbacaan sumber Detection <ol>, <ul>...</ul> or <li> tags. Sometimes it is necessary to have these tags, especially in infoboxes.
13 Tinggi Tidak Tag <math> tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan Missing </math> or <math> tag.
14 Tinggi Tidak Tag <source> tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan Missing </source> or <source> tag.
15 Tinggi Tidak Tag <code> tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan Missing </code> or <code> tag.
16 Rendah Ya[a] Karakter kontrol Unicode YaY YaY Deteksi insiden Detection of Unicode controls such as 0+FEFF, 0+200E, 0+200B and PUA characters.
17 Rendah Ya[a] Kategori ganda YaY YaY Deteksi insiden Unnecessary duplicate categories found.
18 Mati Ya Huruf kecil pada awalan kategori YaY YaY YaY Melawan konvensi Melawan konvensi. If turned on again, check if CamelCase cases (e.g. Category:iPhone) have consensus to be changed to

(e.g. Category:IPhone).

19 Tinggi Tidak Subjudul tingkat 1 mulai dengan 1 "=" YaY Aksesibilitas A heading section starts with just one "=". This causes organisational and accessibility problems
20 Rendah Ya Simbol kematian YaY YaY YaY Keterbacaan sumber The article had a &dagger; and not †
21 Mati Tidak Category: dalam bahasa Inggris YaY YaY Deteksi insiden [[Category: ]] found when the native language should be used
22 Mati Ya Spasi dalam kategori YaY YaY YaY Melawan konvensi Category contains an unnecessary space, for example: [[ Category:ABC]] or [[Category : ABC]].
23 Tinggi Tidak Tag<nowiki> tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan Missing </nowiki> or <nowiki> tag.
24 Tinggi Tidak Tag <pre> tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan Missing </pre> or <pre> tag.
25 Medium Tidak Hirarki sub-judul YaY YaY Aksesibilitas After a section headline "==", there should not be a headline of "====". This causes organisational and accessibility problems.
26 Rendah Ya Elemen gaya teks HTML <b> (bold) YaY YaY Aksesibilitas
Keterbacaan sumber
Found a <b> tag. Should use wiki markup of '''. See WP:Deviations
27 Mati Ya Sintaks Unicode YaY YaY YaY Keterbacaan sumber &#169; gives very little clue as to what this is supposed to be. Use &copy; or the symbol directly ©. Some entries, like the [ ] brackets should remain in unicode, or converted to {{!(}} and {{!)}} when used in external links.
28 Tinggi Tidak Tabel tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan An opening table has "{|" tag, but no corresponding closing "|}" tag.
29 Tinggi Tidak <gallery> tanpa akhiran yang benar Masalah tampilan Missing </gallery> or <gallery> tag.
30 Mati Tidak Gambar tanpa penjelasan alternatif Aksesibilitas
31 Rendah ? Elemen tabel HTML Keterbacaan sumber A <table>, <tr> or <td> tag was found. Should use wiki markup instead.
32 Tinggi Tidak Pipa ganda dalam pranala YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Article contains a wikilink like [[text|text2|text3]] (displays as text2|text3), [[text||text3]] or [[text|text2||]]. or a broken wikilink inside a table.
33 Mati ? Elemen gaya teks HTML<u> (underline) YaY Melawan konvensi
34 Tinggi Tidak Template programming element YaY Kesalahan sintaksis A template programming element, such as {{{1}}}, #if or #switch, was found. They are usually not needed or a regular template can be substituted instead.
35 Mati Tidak Elemen templat programming YaY Aksesibilitas
36 Rendah Tidak Peralihan dengan sintaksis yang salah YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Redirect will not work
37 Rendah Tidak DEFAULTSORT missing for titles with special letters YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Don't use special lettering for sorting. DEFAULTSORT should be set without the special lettering.
38 Rendah Ya Elemen gaya teks HTML <i> (italics) YaY YaY Aksesibilitas
Keterbacaan sumber
Found a <i> tag. Should use wiki markup of ''. See WP:Deviations
39 Rendah Tidak Elemen gaya teks HTML <p> YaY Aksesibilitas Found a <p> tag. Usually should use wiki markup's blank line. Some tags, such as <ref> must use <p> due to a wikimedia bug.
40 Rendah ? Elemen gaya teks HTML <font> YaY YaY Melawan konvensi Found a <font> tag. This tag isn't used in HTML5
41 Mati ? Elemen gaya teks HTML <big> Melawan konvensi Found a <big> tag. This tag isn't used in HTML5
42 Rendah ? Elemen gaya teks HTML <strike> YaY YaY YaY Aksesibilitas Found a <strike> tag. This tag isn't used in HTML5. Use <s> instead. However, strikes shouldn't be used at all for accessibility reasons, so removing the strike is usually the best option.
43 Tinggi Tidak Templat tanpa akhiran yang benar YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Found a "{{" brackets with no corresponding "}}" brackets.
44 Rendah Tidak Subjudul dengan bold YaY YaY YaY Melawan konvensi A headline is all or partially bold. This should rarely be used and may or not be bold depending on the browser used.
45 Rendah Tidak Duplikasi antarwiki YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Duplicate entry. Now that interwiki links have been moved to wikidata, this error is possibly due to wikilinks that ought to be rendered that omits the leading : in [[:pt:Jorge de Mascarenhas]]. Should often be converted to internal redlinks per WP:BUILD/WP:REDLINK.
46 Tinggi Tidak Kurung siku tanpa awalan yang benar YaY YaY Masalah tampilan A broken wikilink was found.
47 Tinggi Tidak Templat tanpa awalan yang benar Masalah tampilan Found a "}}" brackets with no corresponding "{{" brackets.
48 Rendah Tidak Pranala judul di teks YaY YaY Masalah tampilan A wikilink of the article's title was found. This creates an unnecessary circular wikilink per MOS:OVERLINK/WP:SELFREDIRECT and inappropriately bolds the linked word.
49 Tinggi Tidak Subjudul dengan HTML YaY Aksesibilitas
Keterbacaan sumber
Found a headline created with HTML tags <h1>, <h2>, etc. per MOS:DEVIATIONS and MOS:HEAD.
50 Mati Ya en dash atau em dash YaY YaY
51 Medium Tidak Interwiki sebelum subjudul terakhir YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis With interwikis no long used, this usually means a syntax problem with a interlanguage link, ie [[de:foo]] instead of [[:de:foo]]
52 Rendah Ya Kategori sebelum subjudul terakhir YaY YaY Melawan konvensi Categories should be placed in the last section. If a link is intentional, used [[:Category:Foobar]]
53 Medium Tidak Interwiki sebelum kategori terakhir YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis With interwikis no long used, this usually means a syntax problem with a interlanguage link, ie [[de:foo]] instead of [[:de:foo]]
54 Rendah Tidak Break di daftar YaY YaY YaY Aksesibilitas WP:LISTGAP
55 Rendah Tidak Tag <small> ganda YaY YaY Aksesibilitas Causes the text to be smaller than 85%. This goes against accessibility guidelines.
56 Mati Tidak Arah panah sebagai ASCII art YaY The article had an arrow like "<--" or "-->" or "<==" or "==>". Write better this arrow with the Unicode "←" or "→" or "⇐" or "⇒".
57 Rendah Tidak Subjudul diakhiri tanda titik dua YaY YaY YaY Melawan konvensi Remove the :
58 Medium Tidak Subjudul ditulis dengan huruf kapital YaY Melawan konvensi Headlines should normally use sentence case, unless referring to titles of works and all-caps acronyms.
59 Rendah Tidak Nilai tempat diakhiri <br> YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis Causes whitespace errors
60 Tinggi Tidak Parameter templat dengan masalah Kesalahan sintaksis Usually means a broken wikilink inside a template. Can also mean the '=' sign is missing and replaced with another character.
61 Rendah Tidak Referensi sebelum tanda baca YaY YaY YaY Masalah tampilan <ref> comes after not before various punctuation marks (.,?:;!); see WP:REFPUNC
62 Tinggi Tidak URL tanpa http:// YaY Kesalahan sintaksis A URL was found that contained no http://. Example: [ Wikipedia]
63 Rendah Tidak <small> pada <ref>, <sub> atau <sup> YaY YaY YaY Aksesibilitas <ref> and <sub> tags already create smaller text. Adding a <small> would cause the text to be smaller than 85%. This goes against accessibility guidelines.
64 Rendah Ya Pranala sama dengan teksnya YaY YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis Finds cases of [[Foo|Foo]]. A Visual Editor bug causes wikilinks with italics or bold to be done incorrectly, usually some text outside the wikilink will also be bold or italized. Moreover, WP:NOPIPEDLINK.
65 Rendah Ya Keterangan gambar diakhiri dengan <br> YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis Clutter/Does nothing
66 Rendah Tidak Keterangan gambar dengan<small> penuh YaY YaY Aksesibilitas Image description text is already smaller. Adding a <small> would cause the text to be smaller than 85%. This goes against accessibility guidelines.
67 Mati Tidak Rujukan setelah tanda baca (lihat 61) YaY
68 Mati Tidak Pranala ke bahasa lain YaY
69 Medium Tidak ISBN dengan sintaksis yang salah YaY YaY YaY Kesalahan isi Per WP:ISBN, the correct format is ISBN 978-2345-78383-1. Also finds ISBNs inside external links as Wikimagick doesn't work and ISBN template can cause problems.
70 Medium Tidak ISBN dengan panjang yang salah Kesalahan isi ISBNs should have a length of 10 or 13 characters
71 Medium Tidak ISBN dengan posisi X yang salah Kesalahan isi X is only allowed in the last position of the ISBN
72 Medium Tidak ISBN-10 dengan checksum yang salah Kesalahan isi ISBN checksum is wrong, verify the ISBN
73 Medium Tidak ISBN-13 dengan checksum yang salah Kesalahan isi ISBN checksum is wrong, verify the ISBN
74 Tinggi Tidak Pranala tanpa tujuan YaY YaY Melawan konvensi
Kesalahan isi
[[|foobar]] links to foobar. The pipe is either unneeded, someone forgot to give a target, or someone vandalized the article.
75 Mati ? Daftar dengan inden YaY
76 Rendah ? Pranala dengan spasi yang di-encode YaY YaY YaY Keterbacaan sumber Found a URI encoded space, ie %20, inside a wikilink. This usually indicates a badly constructed external link.
77 Mati Tidak Keterangan gambar dengan <small> sebagian YaY
78 Rendah Tidak Daftar referensi ganda YaY Masalah tampilan Found two or more {{reflist}} or <references /> tags
79 Mati Tidak Pranala luar tanpa keterangan YaY
80 Tinggi Tidak Pranala luar dengan break YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Found a newline character inside an external link or a missing closing bracket. A newline character causes the link not to work.
81 Mati ? Referensi ganda YaY YaY Saves wikitext, and makes it easier to maintain the article, as you will only need to change one entry to update multiple instances of the same reference
82 Mati ? Pranala ke proyekwiki lain
83 Medium Tidak Subjudul diawali dengan tiga "=" and tingkat dua setelahnya YaY Aksesibilitas organisational and accessibility problems.
84 Mati Tidak Bagian tanpa isi YaY YaY
85 Rendah ? Tag tanpa isi YaY YaY Keterbacaan sumber An empty <ref></ref> or <span></span> serves no purpose. This can be confusing to editors, and lead to issues if someone interacts with the empty tags by mistake.
86 Tinggi Tidak Pranala luar dengan dua kurung siku YaY YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Found an external links surround by double brackets.
Example: [[ Wikipedia]]
87 Mati Tidak Entitas HTML tanpa titik koma YaY YaY Masalah tampilan
88 Rendah Ya DEFAULTSORT dengan spasi di awal YaY YaY YaY Melawan konvensi The space in {{DEFAULTSORT: DuBois, Lewis}} is useless and ignored by MediaWiki.
89 Rendah Tidak DEFAULTSORT tanpa spasi setelah koma YaY Kesalahan sintaksis The script found a DEFAULTSORT without a space after the comma {{DEFAULTSORT:DuBois,Lewis}}. The causes the article to be sorted as the first DuBois article.
90 Medium Tidak Pranala dalam ditulis sebagai pranala luar YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis The script found an external link that should be replaced with a wikilink. An example would be on idwiki [ Larry Wall] should be written as [[Larry Wall]].
91 Medium Tidak Pranala antar wiki ditulis sebagai prana luar atau digunakan sebagai referensi YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis The script found an external link that should be replaced with an interwiki link. An example would be on idwiki [ Larry Wall] should be written as [[:fr:Larry Wall]].
92 Mati Tidak Subjudul ganda YaY Aksesibilitas This causes navigation and accessibility issues
93 Medium Tidak Pranala luar dengan http:// ganda YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis The script found an external link that had double http://. An example would be [http://]
94 Medium Tidak Tag referensi tanpa awalan/akhiran yang benar YaY Masalah tampilan A <ref> or </ref> tag was found without the corresponding beginning or ending tag.
95 Rendah Tidak Tanda tangan penulis atau pranala ke ruang Pengguna Kesalahan sintaksis See Wikipedia:UPYES and WP:SIGNHERE
96 Medium Tidak Daftar isi setelah subjudul pertama Aksesibilitas TOC should be placed at the end of the lead section of the text, before the first section heading. Users of screen readers do not expect any text between the TOC and the first heading. See WP:TOC.
97 Medium Tidak Isi antara daftar isi dan subjudul pertama Aksesibilitas Screen readers don't process material that comes between the Table of Contents and first headline. See WP:TOC.
98 Tinggi Tidak <sub> tanpa akhiran yang benar YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Missing </sub> tag. Can cause display problems in Visual Editor and mw:Html5Depurate
99 Tinggi Tidak <sup> tanpa akhiran yang benar YaY YaY Masalah tampilan Missing </sup> tag. Can cause display problems in Visual Editor and mw:Html5Depurate
100 Rendah ? Tag daftar tanpa awalan/akhiran yang benar Keterbacaan sumber List tag (<ol>, <ul> or <li>) with no correct match.
101 Rendah Tidak Nomor urut di dalam tag <sup> YaY Melawan konvensi Ordinal numbers should be in regular text, not inside <sup> tags See MOS:ORDINAL.
102 Medium Tidak PMID dengan sintaksis yang salah YaY YaY YaY Kesalahan isi Per WP:PMID, the syntax should be PMID 4957203 Also checks if PMID is inside an external link as Magiclinks and {{PMID}} template won't work.
103 Medium Tidak Pipe magicword di dalam wikilink YaY Kesalahan sintaksis The magic word {{!}} shouldn't be used inside a wikilink. | should be used instead.
104 Medium Tidak Tanda kutip yang tidak seimbang atau karakter illegal di nama referensi YaY YaY YaY Kesalahan sintaksis The script found unbalanced quotes in a reference tag. For example <ref name="ref 1>
105 Tinggi Tidak Subjudul harus mulai dengan "=" Masalah tampilan A heading should begin with a "=".
106 Medium Tidak ISSN dengan sintaksis yang salah YaY YaY YaY Masalah tampilan The script found a problem with ISSN syntax. A normal ISSN looks like ISSN 3895-2372 or 3957-957X. There must be a - between the numbers (don't use dashes). Best if {{ISSN}} template is added. Also finds cases where the ISSN is inside an external linkss
107 Medium Tidak ISSN dengan panjang yang salah Kesalahan isi The script checked the ISSN and found it not containing 8 characters. ISSN should have 8 characters.
108 Medium Tidak ISSN dengan checksum yang salah Kesalahan isi The script checked the ISSN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISSN. Also see Category:Articles with invalid ISSNs.
109 Tinggi Tidak Kesalahan dalam tag include Masalah tampilan The script found a problem with opening or closing tags for <includeonly>, <onlyinclude> or <noinclude> tags. This can cause transclusion problems.
110 Mati Tidak Ada tag include Masalah tampilan The script found a <includeonly>, <onlyinclude> or <noinclude> tags.
111 Mati Tidak Referensi setelah daftar referensi terakhir Masalah tampilan There are <ref> tags, after the {{reflist}} or <references> tags.
112 Rendah ? Atribut CSS yang buruk atau usang Masalah tampilan Bad CSS should be fixed. Deprecated values should be updated for modern rendering.
113 Rendah Tidak Kesalahan line break (<br>) di wikilink Masalah tampilan Found a newline character inside a wikilink. A newline character causes the wikilink not to work.

  1. ^ a b Technically cosmetic, however this is either deemed too much of a bad practice, or prevents future issues deemed egregious enough to warrant a deviation from WP:COSMETICBOT.