Pembagian administratif Denmark
Sejak 1 Januari 2007, Denmark memekarkan 5 wilayah (region) menjadi 13 amt dan menggabungkan sejumlah perkotaan (kommuner) kecil yang sebelumnya berjumlah 270 perkotaan menjadi hanya 98 wilayah perkotaan.
Nama Denmark | Ibu kota | Kota terbesar | Penduduk (Jan 2008) |
Luas (km²) | Kepadatan (per km²) |
Perkotaan |
Region Hovedstaden | Hillerød | Copenhagen | 1,645,825 | 2,561 | 642.6 | 29 |
Region Midtjylland | Viborg | Århus | 1,237,041 | 13,142 | 94.2 | 19 |
Region Nordjylland | Aalborg | Aalborg | 578,839 | 7,927 | 73.2 | 11 |
Region Sjælland | Sorø | Roskilde | 819,427 | 7,273 | 112.7 | 17 |
Region Syddanmark | Vejle | Odense | 1,194,659 | 12,191 | 97.99 | 22 |
Seluruh negara | 5,475,791 | 43,094 | 127.0 | 98 |
Pranala luar
sunting- (Inggris)Danish Regions Diarsipkan 2016-03-11 di Wayback Machine. Official homepage (13. February 2013). Retrieved on 9 August 2014.
- Danish Ministry for Economic Affair and the Interior - Statistics department Statistical information about Danish regions and municipalities (Denmark)
- Explanation of and background for Municipal Reform – with links to the Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health (Inggris)
- The agreement on the Municipal Reform Diarsipkan 2005-11-21 di Wayback Machine. – from the Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health (Denmark)
- The Ministry´s home page with report from the Commission on Administrative Structure etc. Diarsipkan 2007-08-12 di Wayback Machine.
- Home page of Regions. Click on map to access a Region's home page (Denmark)
- Budget of the Regions(Denmark)
- Budget
- Budget(Denmark)
- English home page of State Administrations
- Areas of concern (adoption etc.) (Inggris)
- Ministry of Employment Diarsipkan 2008-12-16 di Wayback Machine.
- Links to the 4 employment regions(Denmark)
- Regionalization and devolution: Proposed new regions of Norway (powerpoint slide show) Diarsipkan 2006-02-13 di Wayback Machine.
- Maps (pdf) showing local/regional administration 1660-2007 Diarsipkan 2007-12-31 di Wayback Machine.(Denmark)
- Map with named municipalities and regions Diarsipkan 2007-10-11 di Wayback Machine.
- Krak searchable/printable map Diarsipkan 2007-10-05 di Wayback Machine.(outline of municipality visible, but does not print out!)
- Statistik Denmark